Project: 822-838 Richmond West
Neighbourhood: Trinity Bellwoods


What's Your Name And Title?
Spencer Badu, Designer

How Long Have You Been At Your Current Location?
Since May of 2022

How Has The Neighborhood Changed Around You In The Time? What Are You Most Excited About?
To be honest, I don’t think a lot of things have changed since I’ve been here, but it’s been really nice meeting the other tenants and people in the neighbourhood.


“To be honest, I don’t think a lot of things have changed since I’ve been here, but it’s been really nice meeting the other tenants and people in the neighbourhood.”


What Are You Most Excited About?
I would say right at lunch or right after lunch the streets are lively around then.

What's The Best Time To Visit Your Neighborhood?
Summer evenings are the best. We have so many patios and live street events.

Go-to Food Spot?
I pack a lunch but I love going to grab fish and chips up the street, NOCCE, or Chubbys when I feel taking a stroll.

“I pack a lunch but I love going to grab fish and chips up the street, NOCCE, or Chubbys when I feel taking a stroll.“

3 Best Things About Working In Your Neighborhood?
1. The proximity to my peers and shops I frequent
2. The Food
3. The light, I feel like I get really good sunlight from my unit


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